Wednesday, October 01, 2008

A weird summer

Laughter is inner jogging.
-Norman Cousins

First of all Eid mubarak yall…Ive been busy with work but some aspects of my life as well…contrary to a lot of people in this planet…I am one that crumbles under its shell when not feeling balanced and completely ying yanged…
But I managed to take some time/mental space off to write to you…believe it or not missed you oh so much and our little repartees ;)
(ok will stop with the emotional trauma and get on with it )

This summer unlike many past summers was a horrifying one….not only because it wasn’t all about me...but also because as a Saudi I had to participate in the different changes, aspects and lifestyles of my fellow citizens…it all started when I had to have all my fingertips scanned and my eyeballs inspected before getting a visa…
I mean if tomorrow the world decide to extinguish Saudi genes need for a dido Iraq war… a simple click of the mouse gets the job done…

After that had to have the tiniest bag ever for a month holiday…I mean logically thinking how can you get dresses, jeans, new shopping, bags, shoes, very high high heeled shoes, accessories, formal dresses, hats and underwears with matching bras in a 30 kilos bag??!!!…I am not going hiking for God’s sake and I am not a student…unless putting them all on you and looking like Big mama there is no other option but cargo- ing everything as you go along…

That done I tried to look at the bright side …true I have some “obligations” and “marriages” to attend to this summer but hey I am meeting friends I haven’t seen for a ages and we will catch up the summer way …

"Summer way" didn’t really turn up the way I excepted…there was excess in everything…excess of partying…excess of drinking…excess of any other kind of high like substances…excess of showing off…excess of making out on the sofa of a club…excess practically doing it on the sofa in the club…excess of ridiculous liscenced plates sports cars...excess of ridiculous colours on sport cars..excess in lack of clothing...excess of purchasing the other sex (the girls purchasing the guys that is)…and excess of things that cannot be mentioned in this blog...

No conscious of proper fun… goal…no ambition purpose…I felt like we were back in the roman times…where masses of flesh intertwined in a horizontal position... with grapes in their mouths… Ibiza literally looked prudish in front of us this summer…

What was happening??!!!! Was I in my bubble for too long???!! Or the world has changed in a year’s time??!!! I mean…I was out last summer too and it definitely wasn’t like that!!! Don’t get me wrong I am not one to intrude into anyone’s business and OBEN minded is what I tried to use as a motto all through these weeks…but I think the voice of reason made its way into my mind and I just wanted to go home and back to my bubble…This is where I discovered the power of sleep …I slept my way through the last days…I just slept and slept and slept…everytime I had a little doze of reality or a vibration of my nokia…I turned around fetus position and slept…..

Finally how was my summer 2008? ………………


Friday, May 09, 2008

You're young???? you're out!!!!!

Win as if you were used to it, lose as if you enjoyed it for a change.

-Erick Golnik

When you’re young, educated, well traveled and begin to enter the real world…you are usually vibrant…alive…certain that all doors will open up to you…your return home will be celebrated…you are full of ideas…full of plans…you are going to revolutionize the rules…set up a new company…freshen up the system…and your 60 something boss will absolutely adore you…he will be flexible to the new strategic planning you came up with and your different approach with clients, patients, potential buyers...And if you are really lucky he may act as your mentor....

(NOT !!!!)

Numerous graduates…both females and males have started generally the same way…Their eyes glittering with energy…they are up before sunrise…they help out with the family…They feel patriotic…their name shall be written…they would be praised…they know its going to be hard but they have faith...with them... things will be different…It’s a new era…the country is opening up…There is a new king and people are moving forward in a prompt pace…It should work out fine…It HAS to work out fine….


Saudi Arabia is one of those countries that has been controlled for a long time by older generations…and I am not emphasizing only on the politics…Education, sports, Health, Arts, Economy and Business…All have old staffs…Old mobs…not yet retired…and will never till they reach their death bed...

Most of them had their positions before I was born…If not higher ranks…Most of them corrupted the system so much that it is suicidal to remove them now…Everything will fall apart and it will be chaos…Most of them would greet you on your first day the same way…with warmth…smiles…and encouragement…

You feel fabulous…You don’t understand why so many young Saudi generations flee the country…move to neighbouring countries…or have something on the side…You think that they have a negative approach…and should have persisted like you did…since you believe in yourself and believe in the future....

Days….weeks…and months pass…You still feel great…you love your work…you're setting up your opened a new door…you handed in your research…you broadcasted a new product…media has talked about you…people are loving it…you're receiving the positive energy and the vibe feels right…just a couple of paper work and it will all be settled…

Two years has passed…the light in your eyes has dimmed…The papers have not been re- contact your boss…ask him what he thinks…you try different authorities…different conducts…you cannot move forward without consent…They say that they are just busy at the moment…but they will revise it soon…so you wake up in the morning sleep at night and work day in and day out to achieve one positive step ... but find yourself going backwards get with mingle with the cliché…you have to…or else what social life would you have?…you still believe that they will help you…they will understand you…You are not doing anything wrong…on the contrary….you are bringing something new to the table…You have faith…

Three years…. your spirit is gone…You see things as they are…you adapt…you struggle…Nuisance start appearing in your life…(because you are young…you are different…and you still believe in yourself and did not breakdown…) You bended a bit too much the rules…you're making ripples…and trying to find your way around... that is not very satisfactory… Professionally they cant accuse you …since you are doing your work…so little stings are aimed on a daily basis for you to feel irritated and quit….but you don’t!!!…(because you are young…you are different…and you still believe in yourself and did not breakdown…) With time the stings become daggers….but you still hold on…. (because you are young…you are different…and you still believe in yourself and did not breakdown….)

Four years….They are aiming at your personal life….you wake up as if in a coma….the alarm in your head has rang in full alertness …every cell in your body is telling you to get pack your bags (if you can) and leave…or you stay…because of circumstances, family or society...and bear a grudge…you become suspicious…you mingle with have to get into the mould...The color has left your face…you find a double meaning in everything said and done and you become cynical at 26 years old…

(This post is for my friends and acquaintances…that came…saw…and left)

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Humanized fairy tales…

Generosity lies less in giving much than in giving at the right moment.

-Jean de la Bruyere

It all started when I grabbed a “HELLO” magazine to see what was going on in the “real” world…

Let’s face it!!!!…we adore the superficial…and the gossip about the superficial…I mean…how many would watch/read/listen to the news religiously anymore????….3???? Excluding of course the politicians….even THEY don’t give a damn!!!! All they really want to know is how they would look and who would vote for them….and lately have your blunt relationships out in the open a la Sarkozy ;)…

Anyway here I was…flipping through the magazine.. ..My feet soaking in a 40 degrees water bath for the preparation of the ritual of the “pedicure”… (Cant get better than that)…when suddenly I fell on a full page of a picture that seemed like a face… “Kate Middleton was dazzling, adopting a kind of euro-chic of white shirts and sunglasses by day and gorgeous gowns by night.”

Ok…lets get this straight…you can brain wash me for a bag…brain wash me with a song…brain wash me for horrible insect look alike sun glasses…but don’t you dare brain wash me on beauty and “dazzlement”!!!!!!!…I mean I didn’t even know who she was before plastering her all over the cover…Even now if she walked beside me in the street with a poster sign saying “it’s me Kate!!! Prince William’s girlfriend” I would barely notice…

I have nothing against…fetishism…or having urges for ugly/fat/old/low class/maid/hostess/hookers “a la Hugh grant” partners…But please pleasssssssssse people….keep it discreet…especially…ESPECIALLY…if you are meant to make people dream….

I mean when I was a little girl…the beautiful princess was someone like sleeping beauty…and the prince charming was someone who saves you by kissing your lips…but when I look at the royalty in this world today…my tinker bell dusts and the stars in my eyes just completely utterly switch off:

Crown prince of Spain is married to a 2 time divorcee, 1m 20, television journalist…Prince Charles is with his nanny (no wonder william is sexually confused)...The grand duke of Luxembourg is married to a random south American that he picked up somewhere or she picked him up…and one of his sons made a random Turkish girl pregnant X2….The prince of Norwey is with a man hand Australian kangoroo... The prince of Denmark is married to an ex-drugee with a kid…The Swedish crown princess is with her personal trainer…and the list goes on…

I think the only couple that is still hanging on from a thread…is the Belgium princes…she turned out to be from an aristocratic family and presentable…GOD!!!!! was that so hard to find!!!!

At least in the Arab countries we hide our fetishes…why do you think we have our women covered???!!!!...:P if One prince/sheikh has something for ugleyyyyy or sleaaaaaaaaaasyyyyyyy….then he doesn’t have to share it with the whole world… i.e people do not have to come and kiss their hands and pretend they are “dazzling” and a “true princess”….

We only let out the true sophisticated ones such as Queen Rania…Morroco's Princess Lella Salma (although this one should really not try to talk but just be beautiful and silent…or else her genetic roots will appear)… princess Haya of Jordan (more for her family tree then her looks I must say) and Sheikha Moza of Qatar ( although she is the second wife...the Sheikh didnt even mention/parade the other two....for obvious reasons)

And of course in Saudi Arabia King Abdullah chose the most presentable and elegant of his daughters to do the charity work… Princess Adellah…which is logical (you wont give your money if the representator is a nobody from nowhere and absolutely plain)

At the very least we do have the courtesy of keeping the magic alive…or else where is the fairy tale in all that????!!!…Tomorrow the butcher can be a prince…and the cleaner your next future queen…and we are supposed to be happy and smiling and say there is no social class in love…NOOOOOOOOOOOOO please!!!!!!! Love IS blind....especially from the waist down sooooo....

a SHOUT OUT to all the upper class people out there…you don’t have to fall in love…especially if your taste is like S****…stick to the ranking…the dreams…the blue blood…the enchantment…the fantasy… please do it…for our sake!!!!!!

so that WE can live happily ever after....:)