Sunday, October 29, 2006

The Mecca

Belated Eid Mubarak to all "Ba3d al za7ma" (meaning after the crowd)….lol.....I hope you got a lot of goodies and a lot of pocket money from parents and spouses…I know I did….being the only girl in a family of boys and spoiled to death….lol

I am sorry for not keeping you updated but obviously I was away for a couple of days and I think you guessed where to….(duh ! since I put it in BIG fluorescent GREEN letters at the very top!!!!)…..Mecca…
I was so touched by this year's experience (and still am) that I HAD to share it with you guys…

Since I was a little girl the last ten days of Ramadan has been spent in one of the holiest places: Mecca…But UNLIKE when I was little girl I can't run to the black stone * anymore kissing it as if it was my favorite (one eye left) doll …Nor can I zigzag through the red brick Ottoman arches and then climb onto the golden gates** ……Nor can I run around and around and around chasing pigeons till my head spins while my mother prays or performs the Umra***….Nowadays, I am lucky if I do see the Kaa'ba (the house of god on earth for Muslims which was at ancient times also a place of worship and used as a temple) even less the black stone….

* A stone that is stuck to a corner of the Kaa'ba.. Historically, it is the first stone that Ibrahim& his son Ismael used to build the Kaa'ba…Scientifically, it contains unique materials or minerals that doesn't exist till this day…Spiritually, It is said to be a meteorite from the heavens above, it is also believed that it has the power to cleanse worshippers of their sins by absorbing them into itself. They say that the Black Stone was once a pure and dazzling white and it has turned black because of the sins it has absorbed over the years….Now I guess it is just super duper pitch black….

**These are the doors that marks the entry to the Kaa'ba but they are permanently closed ONLY if you are lucky to be there when they clean it once a year…

*** The mini pilgrimage which includes 7 rounds around the Kaa'ba anti clockwise and the "to" and "from" of the two mountains Safaa and Marwa..

This year including me (bloggers who watched the Saudi TV through the whole month… I was the gorgeous one wearing black with blue stripes :p) anyway including me there was at least 3 million people… yes you read that right…3 MILLION people mashalla!!!! (meaning God does as he pleases)…

A quick reminder: praying the 10 last days of Ramadan seeking "Laylat Al Qadr"**** is NOT a must or a pillar of Islam like Hajj (the main pilgrimage) that CNN people love to show again and again sometimes… It is only a Sunna meaning something the prophet used to do but you don't have to do it…soooooo this year there were 3 MILLION people doing something they do not have to do…

**** Meaning the "Night of power": It is one of the 10 last nights of Ramadan...But we are not too sure which one….Some people think it's the 21st or 23rd or 25th or 27th or 29th of Ramadan… whoever attains the blessings of this holy night should attain perfect power in his spiritual life, its value is more than one thousand months of worshipping and all your prayers are granted…

Do you actually picture 3 million EXCLUDING the habitants of Mecca which are approx. 1.4 million in a small city…It is needless to say that cars where parked at the city's gate and people were actually praying in the streets…There was no more room in the extended 3 floors marbled mosque surrounding the Kaa'ba…nor around it….nor between the buildings and small streets…nor after the buildings and small streets….So it had to be the main streets till the city's gate….As I looked down to all these people that came from across the nations… while they moved harmonically… prostrating together in a moment of silence….Foreheads on the carpeted floor… delivering themselves from the burden on their shoulders till the first signs of light appear in the velvety sky…speaking different languages…some of them not even understanding what the imam chants…But crying at his tone of voice and his prayers…I couldn't help but wonder…No wonder they envy us and are trying to kill us, humiliate us, imprison us every where in the world…Even "I " envy us….If I were them I wouldn't care how much petrol a country has…nor gold…nor precious stones…nor gas…nor history or culture…But how much faith…How much unshakeable faith it has…and maybe that is their main incomprehension...

A total incomprehension of why is this holy place forbidden to non Muslims? Why the few "spies" through history that came in as fake Muslims went back as real ones? Why do millions come every year hoping to die while performing pilgrimage and if not come back the next year? What is so special about Islam that it has the biggest numbers of believers in the world? Why a poor man who has nothing to eat shares his piece of bread and dates with a complete stranger? Why some powerful people in this country have their homes open 24/7 for people to come in…eat, drink, pray and rest? Why do people spend millions everyday on other people behind no motif such as being known publicly as a good man or escaping taxes? Why don't we have taxes? Why don't we have a "Madonna" to advertise our beliefs or a "Hilary Clinton" that encourages us to cry on our walls? Why is the president of a country praying next to the popper in the street? Why don't we even notice or care that presidents, kings, queens bend their heads with us? Why are we increasing even with the lack of brain wash from media and movies? Why don't we fight for land, power or money like the rest of the world? Why are we willing to fight and die for faith whether it is right or wrong? Why aren't we afraid of death? …

This incomprehension leads to wars… freezing bank accounts in the name of terrorism…stopping charity cases under the same name…imprisoning whoever is a bit religious or looks like one…killing innocents… exterminating new generations…Having an uncontrollable feeling of destroying the unreasonable, the illogical , the unknown…

But for every action there is a reaction…and this year our reaction was this…with every injustice in the world there will be a million more new Muslims….coming to pray…to forget…to surrender…to cry…to feel strong…to feel as one…

" اللهم احفظ هذا البلد آمناً مطمئناً ....و سائر بلاد المسلمين......آمين"

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

What is said in Closed Circles!

The intelligent person sees with the heart the result from the beginning;the one lacking in knowledge only discovers it at the end.

-Mathnawi [V, 2570]

This is supposed to be TOP SECRET and revealed to NO ONE… But us Saudis But being the amazing Mashael that I am…. I am going to share it with you guys….so we will keep it between us and the whole Blogosphere…lol

This post is a result of soul baring confessions, non stop gossip and goose bumpy experiences of Saudi men and women over the years…You will know exactly their deepest desires, their secrets, their tastes and their shameless thoughts…These are only said in closed circles… Saudis themselves might get shocked when seeing it in print or how the opposite sex thinks… Of course I couldn't resist filtering the ideas through the supreme judges (me and my girls) and that is what came out of it….Please note that these are general statistics…let me rephrase that GENERAL it is quite common to find a few exceptions…

You must know by now (if not then read my blog all over again) that Saudis are quite racist when it comes to bind themselves in holy Matrimony….But of course there has been a few mixed marriages over the years and even more recently….Therefore do not be surprised to find Dark skinned, olive skinned, fair skinned, Big eyes, small eyes, green eyes, hazel eyes, Blue eyes, Chinese eyes, blondes (yes we have natural blondes and no we are not going to pay the amount of 10 camels if we see a blonde from Europe…From all the clichés about us that is the most ridiculous people!!!!) Chesnut Brunettes, Black version brunettes (we still do not have redheads…personally I have never seen one here) coming up to you one day and saying " Hi, I am from Saudi Arabia " which probably is a good thing….

That is why I am going to tell you what Saudis go for, if by any chance they are not involved with another Saudi…

Let us start with Saudi women....

Arab men:

1st position= Iraqis…meaning men from Iraq…For the following reasons…They are considered one of the very few viril alpha males that exist in our world today if not the only!!!!…which makes us feel terribly feminine and vulnerable…They come from one of the oldest and greatest civilizations….They tend to be extremely educated and cultivated….
2nd position = Iraqis again for the same reasons mentioned above…
3rd position = Emiratis…meaning men from UAE…For the following reasons…They tend to be EXTREMELY gorgeous and EXTREMELY generous…They have nothing underneath their traditional " Thobs" except for a piece of cloth that they call "Hizar" = easy access…!!!! A bit like the Scotts and their skirts (Although I think they wear something underneath that…enlighten me people!!! Lol )….. They are a bit slow on the bright side but have a heart of Gold…
4th position = Lebanese… meaning men from Lebanon…For the following reasons…They are very trendy…They tend to speak different languages…They look European…although their Star is starting to fall do to an extent on their feminine side…
5th position = Qataris…meaning men from Qatar…For the following reasons…Half of the population is already Saudi they just crossed the border that is all…The country is still under construction so we have a feeling that we bought the civilization and our classy way of living TO them…
6th position = Bahrainis…meaning men from Bahrain…For the following reasons…They are considered Saudis number 2…we spend most of our weekends in their country…They tend to have similar backgrounds…we feel in power…
7th position = Kuwaitis… meaning men from Kuwait…They are street smart…They are energetic buzzy bees…(actually Kuwait is one of the few middle eastern countries where the streets are packed starting 7 or 6 a.m till 2 a.m )…They know what they want and go for it…

Of course other Arab countries exist but they are not that popular among Saudi women but like I said earlier there might be a few exceptions…e.g Amrou Diab (a famous egyptian singer) married a Saudi

Non Arab men: ( I can feel the anxiety ….lol)

1st position= Italians and Spanish…although They come from completely different countries, different languages, different lifestyles and even different menus…We consider them as one…For the following reasons…They are dark and tend to have Arabic features…They are family oriented…They are " caliente" (meaning hot) …They like food in quantity…They have a night life and they do not have a strict timetable for their daily lifestyle or chores….
2nd position = Americans… meaning men from the United States of America….For the following reasons…They are circumcised at birth…Back in the days, they were the most powerful country in the world and the place to be…They were in our part of the world and still are, so we got used to them…They have no rights whatsoever compared to their women… So they tend to be extremely surprised, affectionate, grateful and caring when we take care of them and let them be the man of the house…They make great fathers…
3rd position = Germans, Swiss Germans, Austrians…Although completely different we consider them as one because of the language…We tend to have most of our medical check ups in their country so we figured better be with your life savior…They have a terrible attraction to oriental, big eyes, dark haired women…They would happily integrate by learning the language* and knowing the culture…
* Germans are one of the few Europeans that speak several languages without a strong accent and without much effort…
4th position = French…meaning men from France…For the following reasons…They have a great mixtures with the North African countries…Their music is 60% Rai and 30% French…so we get to understand a few words…Because of the mixture they became open minded…Tall…extremely beautiful and more tolerant via other cultures…

Unfortunately, other European/Asian countries are not considered at all….Although Canadians and Australians might be an option when the Saudi woman in question lives there for whatever reason and can't be bothered to mingle with the rest of the world…

Saudi men…

Arab women:

1st position = Moroccans… meaning women from Morocco…For the following reasons…They are said to be good in bed (among other things) …The ones that Saudi men go for look EXACTLY like Saudi women…They can integrate easily in the country, dialect and culture as if she was born here…
2nd position = Moroccans again for the same reasons mentioned above…
3rd position = Syrians…meaning women from Syria…For the following reasons… They tend to be beautiful….They have porcelain skin….They are quite low profile….They look very innocent but aren't at all….
4th position = Egyptians…meaning women from Egypt…For the following reasons…They are amazing sweet talkers…Life with them is fun…They are good at belly dancing…They remind us of the old black and white romantic comedy Egyptian movies…
5th position = Emiratiat…meaning women from UAE…For the following reasons…They are quite primitive…so everything that the Saudi man will show her will be fascinating….One of our celebrity bachelor married one so they became in fashion…They only think about one thing…They have long velvety hair and they can dance with it…
6th position = Bahrainiat or Kuwaitiyat…meaning women from Bahrain or Kuwait…They tend to be educated but that is not the reason why Saudi men go for them….maybe because they are our neighbours?...Hmmm…I am not too sure…will skip that one
7th position = Pakistaniat…meaning women from Pakistan….For the following reasons…They tend to be very feminine…They have a fascination for the Arabic speaking countries…They remind us of Bollywood although the latter is Indian…

Of course other Arab women from other countries are also considered… like Lebanese, Iraqis, Jordanian and Palestinians... But they are quite rare, since for example Lebanese women tend to be beautiful but extremely superficial, very modern and "show off"… knowing Saudi men, they tend to go for more reserved, low profile women with a spot light smaller than theirs (That is why Syrians are so popular) Although Kuwaiti men tend to prefer Lebanese women for the same exact reasons mentioned above…. A question of society and taste…

Non Arab women:

1st position = Indonesians…meaning women from Indonesia… For the following reasons…In most cases they tend be their children's nannies…They know how to cook clean and do all the hously chores…They like to flirt with their bosses and They can't live without " Some of that"…They tend to be petite which leads to a feeling of protection from our heroic Saudi men….
2nd position = "7abash" meaning women from Ethiopia…For the following reasons…They are quite numerous in number within every Hajj (pilgrimage) period we tend to have a new wave…They are the "first times" for a lot of our Saudi men…They are very unconscious…
3rd position = Italians…meaning women from Italy…For the following reasons…They are family oriented…They can make good housewives and good cooks…They always have that mythical aura to be the sexiest women in Europe.. Since most Italian men tend to slap them around in a moment of anger…They tend to be relieved by the non violent nature of Saudi men in general…
4th position = Spanish or South American….please note that women from Spain or South America come after the Italians in a Saudi man point of view…and they have the same reasons as Saudi women to go for go back to 1st position non Arab men…
5th position = Russians or Eastern Europeans… For the following reasons ... They look like they were cut and pasted from Fashion TV… They tend to go for whomever will marry them to get out of there…They are quite docile and obedient (Their men might have something to do with that)
6th position = Americans.... meaning women from the United States of America…For the following reasons… They tend to be their university "partners" when they were in college… They are quite spontaneous and easy going…Although their Star is starting to fall dramatically post 9/11 & The wars in the Middle East ….Also because they have a contagious tendency to sue for everything….. e.g. being caressed or cuddled without their consent or the morning coffee is too hot…
7th position = Japanese…meaning women from Japan…for the following reasons…They are very reserved… They are spotless when it comes to cleaning and hygiene… They have narrow female parts compared to the Arab male counterparts…They easily give their man some space and know their place…They look like little girls…

Of course other countries may be considered…Saudi men are more tolerant and less racist when it comes to relationships than their women mainly because they are less restricted by families, religion, law, society and even government…But Saudi women would go for it if she finds that the "foreigner" in question surpasses her men compatriots in every way…

On that joyful note I sign out….peace x x x

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Are married men safer?

At 20: They don't know what they want
At 30: They know what they DON'T want
At 40: They know at last what they want
At 50: They don't want to know anything
At any age: They think they know what we want

At 20: They want everything
At 30: They hope for everything
At 40: They know everything
At 50: They finally understand everything

I read it in a book somewhere….

8’clock in the morning... work.....

I felt a bit drowsy …I am having once again those sleeping phases : I am extremely tired once I go to bed and then suddenly I wake up in the middle of the night.. Like a possessed woman...

Ok... let’s get one thing clear here... I am not really "possessed" It is just an expression for all you jinni-ghostly-the evil eye believers out there...and besides with all the Sourats of the “Cow” * I put in my really have to be a huge mean ugly jinni to pass though the door..

I know...I am loosing it...

* please note that the Sourat of the "cow" is believed to a lot of Muslims to be a good antidote for the evil eye, evil spirit and black magic (yes it still exists and is very present in our part of the world and will talk about it soon in my blog) I said, I felt a bit drowsy and since my boss was not here to order me around...I was at peace for a while...

My "work" partner Sita popped in like she always do...she is one of those people you turn around and see in front of your face in the blink of an eye...

At first it freaked me out since I am short sighted and seeing just two sleekly eyes out of a covered face** is too much to handle before my morning coffee...but then I got used to it…

**A fact: some girls cover their faces at work and some don't…some do it as a part of tradition and some do it as a way not to be known when she is out partying, on holidays or is simply "chilling" …

“Halla (meaning: hi) Masha Habibti (meaning: darling) was your weekend????…”


Kiss...kiss...kiss on the right cheek

“No sleep again?...”

No kiss on the left…

“Hmmm…I don’t know what is wrong with me”

“Maybe you think too much...”

WHY when something gets out of hand suddenly it's “I think too much”???? Then I get this pitiful you- are- not –alone- in- your- misery-tell -me –what’s –wrong look… Even if it is true... shouldn’t I be tired cause yesterday for example I had the time of my life and I was surrounded by beautiful faces and incredible smiles!!!!!..

No comment...

“Wanna grab some coffee and sit on the coaches outside?” *** I ended up asking...

***Before I get insulted, banned from society and thrown at w/ cucumbers and lettuces please note that this post happened before Ramadan

“Fine with me!!!!”

I like these moments of self meditation while sipping our DR. Dre skimmed milk caramel topping Café latté... cause that is all we end up doing Sita and me in our free time... and besides I had a particular research in mind...

“Hey Sita! If this amazing guy comes to you...and you have this incredible connection and everything is right and perfect...but then you found out that he is married with two kids and might have one on the way… Would you still marry him or forget about the whole thing ????”

“Good morning....Where did that come from?!!!”

“Just a simple question…”

For all of you non-Islamic and “cool every Arab has a harem out there!!!”...Let’s clarify some basic principles…it is normal or let’s say it is legal for a guy to have 4 wives...but that is not really the “Vogue” here.. Cause you have to treat them equally: FINANCIALLY and PHYSICALLY...

And how many guys do we actually know that can do that for ONE SINGLE person??? let us not start with four!!!!!..

“Well it is kind of hard to say...I myself I am the daughter of THE second wife...and my mom is much younger than my dad...” Sita confessed…

The second wife factor… and interesting theory...It usually involves middle aged men…that got married off early by their mothers to (in most cases) their cousins…because she gets along with the mother in law or it is her sister's daughter or she wants to keep the heritage in the family or she just wants grand children that are a perfect genetic clone of herself and (in most cases) mutated….

It is important to know that some mothers in the Middle East especially in Saudi like (let me rephrase that) LOVE to be the center of attention and devotion of their sons….If horrors of horrors the "son" in question falls in love…She might do everything in her power to break off the engagement or marriage…A lot of times it works…even if there is nothing wrong with the girl…Feelings shouldn't be involved… The more uninterested he is of his wife the more the mother loves her daughter in law….It is very perverted but it is true in every possible way…

Back to my point… middle aged men are usually the ones that get married again… maybe because they want to feel younger …or maybe because at this stage of their life they know what they want and are less influenced by their mothers…or maybe simply because they found the love of their life…the woman they click with intellectually, physically and emotionally…

Sita's mom on the other hand is another story...her mom ended up educating the whole family her own kids and the former wife’s kids...which made me think ( H-E-L-LOOOOOOO?????!!!!) but hey who am I to judge????..

“So would you go for a guy like that?” I asked

“I really don’t know... I have to be in the situation...”

Ok...that is not really helping...

“I am not a “Kid” person to tell you the truth and if the guy comes with baggage... doesn’t work for me...” Answered my 30 soon turning 31 unmarried friend Aseer when I popped the question...

“Even if you asked for divorce? And would you do that?”

“Oh yeah … definitely ... I am not the sharing type ... and besides I told you I won’t go for it... I’d rather be alone... It is like this see... I am not willing to “Asoum oua asoum oua asoum 3ashan iftar 3ala basala" (meaning :to fast all this time to end up eating an onion).

Hmmm… if she puts it that way...!!!

I went back home puzzled... How many girls would actually settle in their early twenty’s and even in their late teens for a married guy?

“Loads...” answered my second wife to be cousin barely 23...


“Well Masha... it is quite simple... it depends on what you really want from life... a married guy usually is more mature… even if he is young cause somebody else did all the work for you.. So when you actually end up with him he knows what to do and brings you security, happiness and all you need without you screaming for it... Take my Badr for example… he loves me to bits since he is the one who chose me and not the mother that bought him his first wife !!!”

Clearly the woman has issues with her future mother in law..

“And besides" she added " You don’t want a guy stuck to you 24/7 do you?? You have to have your own life make your own plans and achieve your ambitions... And it is soooooooo hard to do that with a single guy because he takes all your energy...”

Hmmm ... got a point there...

I mean … Single guys are so fussy these days that they actually think they are God... Maybe because there are 50 girls on a guy... even if the latter looks like hippopotamus …And they did actually say (recently in a review) that the Y chromosome is shrinking and in X hundred years the male species will be practically extinct…. Trust me! that’s not something guys would feel bad about...

But...if you fall in love with a married guy and you ended up marrying him...Aren’t you the OTHER woman??? The " B" that stole him away ???? Even if he is miserable and he and his wife detest each other and are leading separate lives... (Which most of the time they are)… You are still the evil witch that cast a spell on him… Is it worth all the hassle for one man?

Is a married man really safe?