Wednesday, October 01, 2008

A weird summer

Laughter is inner jogging.
-Norman Cousins

First of all Eid mubarak yall…Ive been busy with work but some aspects of my life as well…contrary to a lot of people in this planet…I am one that crumbles under its shell when not feeling balanced and completely ying yanged…
But I managed to take some time/mental space off to write to you…believe it or not missed you oh so much and our little repartees ;)
(ok will stop with the emotional trauma and get on with it )

This summer unlike many past summers was a horrifying one….not only because it wasn’t all about me...but also because as a Saudi I had to participate in the different changes, aspects and lifestyles of my fellow citizens…it all started when I had to have all my fingertips scanned and my eyeballs inspected before getting a visa…
I mean if tomorrow the world decide to extinguish Saudi genes need for a dido Iraq war… a simple click of the mouse gets the job done…

After that had to have the tiniest bag ever for a month holiday…I mean logically thinking how can you get dresses, jeans, new shopping, bags, shoes, very high high heeled shoes, accessories, formal dresses, hats and underwears with matching bras in a 30 kilos bag??!!!…I am not going hiking for God’s sake and I am not a student…unless putting them all on you and looking like Big mama there is no other option but cargo- ing everything as you go along…

That done I tried to look at the bright side …true I have some “obligations” and “marriages” to attend to this summer but hey I am meeting friends I haven’t seen for a ages and we will catch up the summer way …

"Summer way" didn’t really turn up the way I excepted…there was excess in everything…excess of partying…excess of drinking…excess of any other kind of high like substances…excess of showing off…excess of making out on the sofa of a club…excess practically doing it on the sofa in the club…excess of ridiculous liscenced plates sports cars...excess of ridiculous colours on sport cars..excess in lack of clothing...excess of purchasing the other sex (the girls purchasing the guys that is)…and excess of things that cannot be mentioned in this blog...

No conscious of proper fun… goal…no ambition purpose…I felt like we were back in the roman times…where masses of flesh intertwined in a horizontal position... with grapes in their mouths… Ibiza literally looked prudish in front of us this summer…

What was happening??!!!! Was I in my bubble for too long???!! Or the world has changed in a year’s time??!!! I mean…I was out last summer too and it definitely wasn’t like that!!! Don’t get me wrong I am not one to intrude into anyone’s business and OBEN minded is what I tried to use as a motto all through these weeks…but I think the voice of reason made its way into my mind and I just wanted to go home and back to my bubble…This is where I discovered the power of sleep …I slept my way through the last days…I just slept and slept and slept…everytime I had a little doze of reality or a vibration of my nokia…I turned around fetus position and slept…..

Finally how was my summer 2008? ………………
