Saturday, September 23, 2006

Ramadan Karim!!!

This is a quick post for all my muslim bloggers to wish them a "Ramadan Mubarak"….May all your prayers be granted in this holy month x x x x x x x x
To all you people who are doing it for detoxing "Happy Detox" and to all you people who are not doing it well "Happy September"…..

Anyway Ramadan was always (for me) an exciting month…For the following reasons: The night life is fantastic…The country switches programs and everything is open till 5 a.m….The food gets much better…Our cook starts having a wild imagination (with the nagging of my mom) and we get to have varieties…. The sambousas* are back on the menu ….And god knows how I LOVE to stuff myself with them…Social life and family reunions are basically on daily basis…..My brothers get really aggressive (They are smokers) so we shouldn't talk, interact, approach them till they have their first cigarette…you get a cut down of cigarettes and other "addictive substances" without a patch stuck to your forehead…You get a cleansing process of the soul, Body, mind and spirit for free….It is a nice change from "earthly" desires, who knows? Might find that center of calm and serenity after all..."Tash ma Tash" ** is back….My working hours are cut to 5 instead of 10…a bliss! ..... I get to wear the jalabiyat*** and have natural A/C flowing through my body for a whole month (and of course it is an amazing way to cover that little tummy of yours when it pops out and says hello after the first meal)….another bliss!!...But will definitely have more difficulty slipping into my jeans after the month passes by…. Can go out at 11:00 P.M without giving a reason….Can sleep till 3:00 P.M without giving a reason as well….We get to travel to Jeddah…and will get to have more time to write to you guys!!!!!

I know you are all waiting for Frenshie in town part II…it is coming very soon…promise…x x x

* It is a pastry that is usually stuffed with meat, spinach or cheese…It can be fried or cooked in the oven…if you never tried it I would definitely suggest popping out to your local Arabic supermarket and get some…
** It is a Saudi comedy series (that comes every Ramadan) and talks about our society and social life in hilarious ways….
*** It is a sort of a one piece traditional cloth/dress…usually covered with motifs, broderies and colours …To all my female bloggers and weird guys who would like to try it if you live in Riyadh check out Harvey nicks 2nd floor they have the funkiest jalabiyats ever from Bahraini, Moroccan and Saudi designers…..The prices are not cheap but they are worth it….(these people have to pay me for that advertisement in my oh-my-so famous- blog…… lol )

p.s: happy national day to all saudis (Erfa3 Rasek anta sou30udi) !!!!!!


!nsanity said...


I can definetely relate to ur bros really, i got the same problem =s

Anonymous said...

Ramadan Mubarak :)

Unbiased Najdi said...

Gotta love sambousa's .. the taste of Ramadan embodied in pastry! :)
Mbarak 3laiki eshahr o kil 3am winti b'7air .. and happy birthday KSA .. 76 yrs old :) .. and blessed ramadan inshallah to all the muslims out there .. in every continent, on every ground ...... and under every sky <-- last part falsafa zaiyda :P .. i hope eveybody enjoys Ramadan and make it to his/her favor..

saif said...

Ramadan Mubarak to you too!

Hope we all make good use of this month. :)

HA! Entertainment said...

Ramadhan is very depressing. I get to let go my cigares! arghghgh.

well happy ramadhan mobarak muslims! :)

fire alarm said...

ramadan karim sis.

mashael alhajeri said...

insanity and someguyfromplanet: poor you...yalla guys a bit of self control.... only 28 days left:)

jirkun and saif: Ramadan karim to you too may all your heart desires come true.....(good desires)

unbiased najdi: "the taste of ramadan emboided in pastry" love the description and love your falsafa

twix: ramadan karim bro...and welcome back:)

Sameer Khan said...

Hey Mashael,

Ramadan Mubarak to you and to all the muslims reading your blog. Keep up the good work

See ya


Anonymous said...

Mashael, I wonder if you'd care to blog a synopsis of "Tash Ma Tash" for all those who can't get Saudi TV in their homes.

Lots of people outside the KSA have heard of it, have heard of its importance, but have absolutely no way of seeing it.

mashael alhajeri said...

john: you can see it on mbc1 around 6:30p.m our time or abu dhabi tv around 1:30 a.m our time...if you still have difficulty in finding it tell me....I will figure out something....x x x

sameer: Ramadan karim to you too...

ghoweljlsfqwef said...

See you in Jeddah ;-)

mashael alhajeri said...

Dottson:lol....berhaps yes berhaps no (like my egyptian friends would say)'re so